Thursday, February 7, 2008

Being a Mom

Being a great Mom is hard work!

You are always "on".

If you slip or falter it shows up in things your kids say or do.

Consistence is the key. I think this is my mantra.

When you are not consistent with all things it shows.

Being a Mom is hard work, being a great Mom is even harder, being a Mom that your kids want to be that even possible?

I feel like I am learning how to be a great Mom every day.

One of the best things about kids is that you can make mistakes and they forgive you. You can start fresh and work on yourself to be better for them (and in turn for yourself).

My kids ages are so spaced (12 1/2 years- 10 months old) that I am learning how to deal with preteens and teens and still have to be the cutesy ABC singing Mama. It is tough! I wouldn't change it though.

I LOVE being a Mom.

It's what I have always wanted to be.

I have been blessed with the best kids in the world. They are kind, loving, caring, generous, smart, and beautiful (and handsome too ;)).

I am going to continue to try to be the best Mom I can be to my kids.

Consistence is the key. Consistence is the key. Consistence is the key....

4 Howdy-Do's:

Mama B said...

I like it!! I love you, Mommy!


The Dreamer said...

You know you are a GREAT MOM and don't ever forget that! Everyone slips or falls and when you do you always get back up even STRONGER!! As I've alwys told I hope I can be half the Mom you have been to your kids. They love you very much as do I.

The Dreamer said...

A, it is always with great joy I come to the home you and C have built. It is always filled with caring, respect, and most important love. For that you should be very proud. I can only hope that Kisha and I will follow your blueprint. Stop beating yourself up, you are doing just fine!Love Always D

Mama B said...

Thanks Guys! I love you too!