Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Spring Cleaning

With the weather so warm these past couple of days(in the 60's)I have started doing some of my spring cleaning. I even arranged for a good will pick up! It feels good to get rid of stuff....almost as good as getting stuff! haha. I said almost.
It has been nice having Mookie around. It is taking some getting used to on my part. I signed up for ALOT more work for myself. Hopefully, (and I think it will) it will be worth it in the end. I almost can't wait til he is grown up ( already trained and not chewing on everything!).
PB has been sick since Wednesday evening. He has had a fever and runny nose and cough since then also. We started him on antibiotics on Sunday so hopefully, he will be feeling better soon. Beanie stayed home from school today. She has a fever and a stomachache. I hope that it doesn't trickle down to the other kids (and myself)!

0 Howdy-Do's: